Lake cleanup in Elsene
Initiative Océane – Étangs d’Ixelles

Organized by Audrey Surfrider

Date & hour

Sunday 10/02/2022


Eugène Flageyplein, 1050, Elsene, BEL

Date & hour

Sunday 10/02/2022


Eugène Flageyplein, 1050, Elsene, BEL


(English below)

Rejoignez-nous le Dimanche 2 octobre à 15 h aux Etangs d'Ixelles pour une collecte de déchets !
 L'idée est de faire le tour des étangs et de ramasser le plus de déchets possible, puis de les trier et compter pour sensibiliser à la pollution et protection de l'environnement. Et aussi faire une bonne action.
Meeting point : Monument à Charles De Coster - Flagey - Ixelles

Rappel du déroulé :
- Courte présentation de Surfrider Foundation Europe aux nouveaux participants
- Distribution du matériel pour la collecte et rappel des consignes de sécurité
- Collecte dans le parc et proche des étangs
- Tri et décompte de tous les déchets collectés
- Remerciements et discussions

Nous vous attendons nombreux !
À bientôt!
Audrey - Bénévole Surfrider Foundation Europe, antenne Bruxelles


Join us on Sunday, October 2nd at 3 p.m. at the Ixelles Ponds for a waste collection!

The idea is to go around the ponds and collect as much waste as possible, then sort and count them to raise awareness about pollution and environmental protection. But also do a good deed.
Meeting point : Monument à Charles De Coster - Flagey - Ixelles

A reminder of the event:
- Short introduction of Surfrider Foundation Europe to the new participants
- Distribution of gloves and bags, a reminder of the safety instructions
- Collection in the park and near the ponds
- Sorting and counting all waste collected
- Open discussions

See you soon!
Audrey - Surfrider Foundation Europe, Brussels' chapter volunteer


Audrey  (Organisateur) MaximeArthurGiulia Bettio



Top 10 of collected items

603Tobacco products with filters

28Bottle caps

19Food packaging

4Plastic bags and pieces

4Wet wipes

4Glass pieces / ceramic pieces

2Plastic bottles ≤ 0,5 L

2Lollipop sticks

2Cigarette lighters

1Pieces of plastic 2,5-50 cm


Tobacco products with filters603
Plastic bottles (drinks) under 50 cl or = to 50 cl2
Food packaging (tubs, sandwich wrappers, yoghurt containers, fast food wrappers)19
Plastic bags and pieces of plastic bags4
Lollipop sticks2
Wet wipes (sanitary, textile)4
Pieces of plastic between 2.5 and 50 cm1
Picnic dishes: cutlery1
Cigarette lighters2
Glass bottles1
Glass pieces / ceramic pieces4
Bottle caps28
Pieces of iron or scrap iron1

Local chapter

Would you like to join your closest volunteer chapter?
Here are the contact details of the volunteer chapter close to this cleanup.
And all our volunteer chapters can be found here.
If you have any questions, please contact

Initiative Océane – Étangs d’Ixelles

Date & hour

Sunday 10/02/2022

Sun 10/02/2022 15:00
Elsene, Belgium