Beach cleanup in Saint-Pierre-Quiberon
Les campings nettoient la plage #beachcleanup

Organized by Alexandra joy Gross

Date & hour

Saturday 05/04/2024


Camping Municipal De Penthievre, Avenue Duquesne – Penthièvre, 56510 Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, France, 56510 Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, FRA

Date & hour

Saturday 05/04/2024


Camping Municipal De Penthievre, Avenue Duquesne – Penthièvre, 56510 Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, France, 56510 Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, FRA


Tous les mardis, les campings municipaux de Saint-Pierre Quiberon nettoient la plage :
-10h : RDV au Camping municipal de Penthièvre pour la remise du matériel.
-Départ tous ensemble direction la plage de Penthièvre.
-12h : Retour au Camping pour le tri des déchets

Every Tuesday, Saint-Pierre Quiberon campsites clean the beach:
- 10 a.m: Meet us at Penthievre municipal campsite reception.
-Departure all together to Penthièvre Beach.
-At Noon : let's go back to the campsite to sort the waste.


Alexandra joy  (Organisateur)



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Local chapter

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Here are the contact details of the volunteer chapter close to this cleanup.
And all our volunteer chapters can be found here.
If you have any questions, please contact

Les campings nettoient la plage #beachcleanup

Date & hour

Saturday 05/04/2024

Sat 05/04/2024 10:00
Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, France