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Obj. : Congratulations, your collection is online ✅

Hello __PRENOM__,


Delighted to meet you! 👋🏼

I'm Sofiane

I'm in charge of Ocean Initiatives at Surfrider and I'll be guiding you over the next few days with the organisation of your collection.


Firstly, a big "Congratulations" on getting involved! 🌊

You're now part of the Surfrider Foundation Europe community.

Your collection on __DATE__ in __VILLE__ is already online here: __NOM__COLLECTE__


You can now:

📩 Add our email address oceaninitiatives@surfrider.eu to your contacts to ensure you keep receiving our emails designed to guide you as your collection day approaches (that way my emails won't end up in your spam folder by mistake)

🎬 Watch our Organiser Guide video to learn how to organise a litter collection

📘 Read the Organiser Guide to discover your checklist for before, during and after the collection (where to put the litter, how to do the quantification, etc.)


And most importantly...

Make sure you share the link for your collection with your family and friends or on social media with the hashtag #oceaninitiatives to get as many people as possible to sign up to your event!

In the next few days, you'll receive an email to confirm that your kit has been sent to the address you gave when you registered your collection.


Until next time,
