Pulizia di Spiaggia a Dublin
Howth beach and land spring cleanup

Organizzata da Laetitia THURNHERR

Data & ora

Domenica 07/05/2017


Balscaddan View Apartment 1 .1, 0 Dublin, IRL

Data & ora

Domenica 07/05/2017


Balscaddan View Apartment 1 .1, 0 Dublin, IRL


The HOWTH peninsula is particularly exposed to marine currents and its beaches are littered with all kind of trash. We will also collect the trash on the coast and those thrown on land, so they will not end up on the sea.

A welcome table will wait you there and provide information about marine pollution and how to avoid it.
The cleaning gear - gloves, bags, litter pickers - will be provided.

Challenge: plan your picnic to enjoy the surrounding and combine the pleasant to the useful, while not generating a waste! Homemade food, lunch box, reusable cutlery, cakes, fresh fruit... rather than individually packaged snacks and single use items... do not limit your imagination ;-)

Hope to see many of you!


Laetitia  (Organisateur)



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Howth beach and land spring cleanup

Data & ora

Domenica 07/05/2017

Dim 07/05/2017 11:00
Dublin, Irlanda