Pulizia di Fiume a Dublin
Grand Canal spring Clean

Organizzata da Laetitia THURNHERR

Data & ora

Sabato 04/02/2017


Leeson Street Bridge Grand Canal Dock, 4 Dublin, IRL

Data & ora

Sabato 04/02/2017


Leeson Street Bridge Grand Canal Dock, 4 Dublin, IRL


The Grand Canal joins the sea and the waste there, will join the ocean too!
Help us to protect marine wild life and the environment :)

From Stephanie and Friends Of The Grand Canal:
The first clean of Spring is coming up. Don't forget to join us at 10 am on Saturday, February 4th at our bench by Leeson Street Bridge if you can. Pickers, bags and gloves all provided. Coffee compliments of Starbucks (Leeson Street) to finish at noon.

Dress for all weather, as always!


Laetitia  (Organisateur)



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Per maggiori informazioni puoi contattare oceaninitiatives2@surfrider.eu.

Grand Canal spring Clean

Data & ora

Sabato 04/02/2017

Sam 04/02/2017 10:00
Dublin, Irlanda