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Obj. : Do you want to be part of the 36.5% most committed organisers?

Hello __PRENOM__,


If you counted the different types of litter collected during your event, don't forget to record it on the website! ✅




All the data collected enable us to compile an annual Environmental Report presenting the extent of the pollution of beaches, lakes, rivers and seabeds in Europe.


The Report Form is the best tool for making a long-lasting positive impact on this planet 🌍

By filling it in, you are playing a crucial role in the fight against marine litter by helping scientists further their research into pollution and by adding weight to the lobbying for legislation in favour of waste reduction.


Thank you for your involvement which is crucial for the protection of the Ocean! 🌊

If you have any questions about the Report Form, feel free to contact me: oceaninitiatives@surfrider.eu.


Until next time,
