The data on the waste you collect during your cleanup make it possible for us to better understand the pollution. You are the best placed to tell us about the conditions of your beaches, lakes, rivers and seabeds, so we need you to help us carry out our research program! You have three possibilities to share these information with us, click on the buttons below to get more information.

Simplifiied version
This form takes just two minutes to fill in. It allows us to obtain all the essential information about your clean-up operation. The last section focuses on one specific type of litter: plastic bottles. This therefore means they need to be counted separately during your clean-up.

Intermediary Version
This form takes just 5 minutes to fill in. It gives us an accurate picture of the type and quantity of litter collected during your clean-up. This quantification is important as it is fed into our scientific database and gives added weight to our claims. You’ll need to sort the litter collected and group items together by type of material or usage before counting them.

Marine Litter Watch
If you choose the application, you’ll fill in the report form on your mobile using the Marine Litter Watch app. To do that, download the Marine Litter Watch app. Once installed, please enter the following community code in the MY PROFILE space: PICIP. This will allow us to identify you as the organiser of an Ocean Initiative and gather information on the litter you’ve entered in the app so we can then use it when writing the Ocean Initiatives environmental report.